Repro Uncensored (RU) is a coalition of reproductive health and internet freedom organizations unwaveringly committed to ensuring that everybody can find accurate and reliable abortion information whenever they need it.

Repro Uncensored is dedicated to ensuring the free flow of abortion information in digital spaces. Central to this mission is our work to fight digital censorship & suppression.

We collaborate with advocacy organizations, researchers, creatives, reproductive healthcare providers, and digital rights advocates to ensure that medically accurate information about abortion can be shared without restrictions, and without the fear of being stifled by Big Tech platforms.

Our 3 Pillars

We work to co-create global advocacy campaigns focused on ending the digital suppression of abortion information. We address Big Tech and government policies that limit access to this essential reproductive health information.


Raising awareness of digital suppression is the first step in building power to combat it. Members organize educational workshops, panel events, and foster partnerships with global organizations to expand outreach and information sharing. 


RU collects and analyzes examples of censorship within the sexual health and reproductive rights space to track instances of digital suppression. Our website serves as a comprehensive resource hub for the research carried out by member organizations and acts as a resource for academics and researchers who seek our expertise.



Upcoming events

Stay tuned for upcoming events.